Text to Donate

Technologies Used:

  • Angular
  • RxJS Observables

Each year during the American Society of Hematology’s Annual Meeting, the Society’s Foundation asks meeting attendees for donations to support programs that fund research projects and training opportunities for the next generation of hematologists. The ask happens during one of the largest sessions of the meeting and attendees can submit their donations via text message. In 2017, the Society decided to manage their Text to Donate process in house and I created the front-end application for the live donor wall.

Text to Donate App on the Main Stage at the ASH Annual Meeting as People Donated
Text to Donate App on the Main Stage at the ASH Annual Meeting as People Donated

Using Angular 2 and RxJS Observables, I created an interface that showed a list of donors in real-time that were making donations to the Foundation. As donors contributed to the Foundation, my application would receive real-time updates from a Firebase database and continually scroll through the donors. It also showed a thermometer and the "mercury" would rise as donations increased.

The interface was displayed on two screens in the conference hall that were 150 feet wide by 20 feet tall. It was the first time that I ever designed something so real-time that needed to look and work flawlessly in front of a huge audience on a (literally) gigantic screen, but it was a major success. The Foundation was thrilled with the funds they raised and we had a few associations reach out about using our application for their events.

Live video of the donation thermometer during the Annual Meeting (not the best angle, but it was tough to get a good shot)