Pantry Progressive Web App

Role: Software engineer

Technologies Used:

  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Firebase (Hosting, Functions, Firestore, Auth)
  • Service Workers
  • React Testing Library
  • UI & Logo Design
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I often forget what non-perishable foods I already have on hand and end up buying more of things I already have. I figured that I probably wasn't the only person who was forgetful about what was in their cabinets, so I made a progressive web app (PWA) to help people keep track of their food.

I decided to make the app a PWA so that if you had a poor Internet connection while inside a store, you'd still be able to at least see the latest cached version of the items in your pantry.

I used the World Open Food Facts API to get data about food items from their barcode:

The app is free and only requires a Google account to use.