Hello! I'm Rebecca, a software engineer from Maryland.
I'm all about building applications with the user in mind, following web standards, and developing modular code. I have over ten years of experience designing, developing, supporting, and managing web projects.
Learn more about me belowSkills
Front-end Development
A web experience should be seamless across devices and platforms. I have experience designing and developing responsive web experiences that work well across platforms.
- Typescript
- Javascript
- React
- NextJS
- Vue
- CSS3 and SASS
- Rollup
- Webpack
Back-end Development
Websites need to load quickly and allow for smooth interactions between the user and the system. I have experience developing real-time interactive applications.
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- Firebase
- Java
- Terraform
- PostgreSQL
Pattern Filler Tool
A web app that fills SVG paths with circles using multiple configurations
Recipe Converter
A recipe converter and calculator that makes it easy to change the serving size of recipes
Pantry Progressive Web App
A progress web app (PWA) that helps you keep track of the food in your pantry
Recent Blog Posts
Mock window.matchMedia in Vitest
There are two ways to mock window.matchMedia in Vitest: using vi.hoisted() at the top of your test file or in a setup file.
Creating a React Hook for Chrome's window.ai model
Creating a React hook for interacting with Chrome's upcoming built-in window.ai model
The :is() and :where() CSS Pseudo-classes
A look at the use cases for and differences between the :is() and :where() CSS pseudo-classes
Using the Spread Operator with Error Objects
The JavaScript spread operator only copies non-inherited enumerable properties, and the properties on an Error object aren't enumerable in all browsers.
From Bluesky
Here are the things I've been excited about lately.